Egg Fasting is another way to lose weight that many people are interested in. However, does egg fasting only require eating eggs? Or what else can you eat menu?
Egg Fasting: How to Eat It to Lose Weight? Let’s take a look at some examples.สมัคร ufabet
- Eat at least 6 eggs per day. You can prepare them as desired, such as boiled eggs, steamed eggs, omelets, soft-boiled eggs, stuffed eggs, boiled egg salad, fried egg salad, cheese baked eggs, egg rolls, egg salad, etc. You can eat more than 1 egg per meal.
- Eat a whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up.
- Eat eggs or foods that contain eggs every 3-5 hours, even if you don’t feel hungry.
- Eat good fats with eggs in a 1:1 ratio, such as 1 tablespoon of butter per egg, or add 1 ounce (about 28 grams) of cheese per egg for a boost of good fats.
- The last egg meal should be eaten 3 hours before bedtime.
- Drink plenty of water.
- You can drink diet soda, but you shouldn’t drink more than one can per day.

However, the egg fast is actually a short-term body hack by focusing on eating good protein from eggs and good fat from butter and cheese to stimulate the body to enter ketosis. Which takes 3-5 days is enough to help the weight that has been stagnant start to decrease somewhat. But how much you can reduce also depends on other factors such as starting weight, height, age, gender, and total food intake.