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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle


Pilots warn not to board plane if you have a cold

Pilots warn not to board plane if you have a cold, it’s not just the spread of germs that you should be concerned about Pilots issue important warning for those flying with a cold not just about spreading germs Nothing ruins the mood of a

food calls

Doctors reveal how to deal with “food calls” without medication.

Doctors reveal how to deal with “food calls” without medication. People who are losing weight smile!!! Dealing with “Food Noise” Without Medication, According to Doctor’s Advice, Lose Weight “Food noise” is a huge obstacle for those trying to lose weight. It’s the obsessive thoughts about food that

Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a mental state in which you focus on your present situation, maintaining awareness of your surroundings and feelings health. Mindfulness is used in meditation, but the two aren’t one and the same. Meditation is a more formal practice, whereas mindfulness is a mental

Make time for meditation.

The practice of meditation may positively affect your health in many ways. It is relaxing and soothing, and has been found to reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure and even improve memory. In fact, meditation has been shown to increase gray matter in the brain. Gray


The flesh of salmon ranges from pink to deep reddish-orange. This is a result of its diet, which comprises krill and tiny crustaceans. These are rich in colorful carotenoids, namely astaxanthin food. Astaxanthin is heat stable, so unlike tuna, salmon remains red even when cooked

Health Benefits of Kale.

Kale is a nutritious food rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. It also contains nutrients that can support eye health, weight management, heart health and more. 1. Highly nutritious Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. It