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Tag Archives: Beauty

How often should I Bathing?

Our skin generally contains a natural layer of lipids and good bacteria that keep it hydrated and healthy. Bathing too frequently can cause the skin to lose these skin components. Which can cause dry, itchy, or peeling skin, and may impair the skin’s immune system. Bacteria can then

How to prevent and eliminate body odor ?

How to prevent and eliminate body odor?  Sweating a lot and body odor is one problem that no one wants to happen. This will affect your self-confidence. Body odor can usually be managed by eliminating the bacteria on the skin that causes it. Especially in the armpit area,

Preventing diarrhea.

Although diarrhea is usually a mild symptom. But it may cause suffering to the patient and be chronic enough to cause other diseases later on. Patients should immediately see a doctor if they experience the following symptoms:      Diarrhea can occur frequently in everyday life. Gastrointestinal infections are the

Salt and Sodium The Silent Threats

Nowadays, most people start to know that Each day we eat more than enough sugar. But there are also other flavor enhancers and preservatives that are equally harmful to health, that is “salt and sodium”. Today, I would like to take you to explore the penalty of

The benefits of “Pineapple”

Pineapple is a popular fruit for many people. Because with a unique taste sweet and sour Plus, it’s chilled and eaten. will feel refreshed Suitable for hot weather in our country. Did you know that Pineapples are more useful than you think. But what are the benefits? Let’s see. Pineapple is another healthy